Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kajang Jogathon 2012 - Top 15 Results

Date: 16 Jun 2012
Distance: 4km, 6km, 8km and 10km

Despite low registration fees (adult - RM10, junior - RM5) and top 15 voucher prizes provided, not many runners joined in this event. Maybe it was due to Saturday and also many runners are preparing for the next week SCKLM. This is the 1st year Kajang DUN organised a run, therefore many improvements need to be made, especially on runners safety. (The most obvious hazard seen during the race was when runners are expected to cross the main busy highway from the opposing housing estate back into the stadium).  Another problem was that no water was provided after the run.  There was some kind of refreshment (bread and Revive drinks) but they were unmanned, and these ran out very quickly as some of the greedy runners grabbed as much as they like.

Hopefully next year the organizer will improve the short comings and more runners join in this event.

More photos here

 Their newly tendered car plate number? But is not start with WWW

 10km starting line
 8km starting line
 6km starting line
4km starting line

 Waiting for lucky draw
 Waiting for prize presentation
 Boys junior 8km
 Girls junior 8km
 Men open 10km
 Women open 6km
 Men junior veteran 6km
 Women veteran 4km
 Men senior veteran 4km
 Position medal

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