Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ipoh Run 2012 - Race Kit Collection

 Date: 30 Jun 2012
Venue: Stadium Indera Mulia
 First stop at Tian Chen coffee shop, near Jalan Market
It also known as Mirror House
 Tried the famous Ipoh Hor Fan (Chicken Kuey Teow)
 Herb tea with egg
 The Hor Fan is nice but be prepared to wait for 20 - 25 min and only take 5 minutes to swallow it. RM4 per bowl
 Checked in to De Boutique Hotel, near to stadium
Deluxe room
 Collection counter, no queue
 Met Sheela, Indra and Murali
 Balu Runners Club, very semangat
 Dinner at Sri Mahkota coffee shop at Jalan Theater. You need to take a queue tag from the counter and wait for a butler to serve you (to take order, cook, deliver and collect money). It is your luck whether to get a polite and helpful butler or a rude butler.
Worth to try the beef noodle

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