Sunday, September 23, 2012

Be A Runner Be A Giver 2012 - Top 10 Results

 Date: 23 Sep 2012
Distance: 6.4km

This charity event attracted around 1500 runners. Due to poor response by certain categories, the organizer decided to combine women veteran, women international and media/celebrity as one category and this has lead to much confusion. Boys and girls junior cash prize was cancelled too.

Many local men open elites and Kenyan runners were around the scene. All men categories suppose to flag-off at 7:30am, but due to waiting for VIP, it has been delayed by 20mins. As the distance is short, first runner came back within 21min. According to the schedule, the prize presentation supposed to start at 10:30am but it started earlier at 9:15am. Nevertheless the prize presentation was smooth and efficient.

More photos here

Ipoh Brooks runners

 Kenyan runners

 Malaysian men open
 Men veteran
 Malaysian women open
 Men open International
Women open International
 Boy juniors
 Girls junior
 Runners from Japan
 Men open
 Men veteran
 Men International
 Women open
 Boys junior
 Girls junior
Women International + Women veteran
Finisher and position medal

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