Friday, December 21, 2012

Zombie Run Malaysia 2013

Confusion on how does this Zombie Run work, read this statement from the organizer:
'I know a lot of you have many questions about the first ever Zombie Run in Malaysia, so here's a recap of everything that has been revealed so far.

What I can tell you is that there will be zombies and participants (in groups of 5). Participants have an objective, and the zombies prevent them from completing their objective. There is a limited 150 spaces for becoming a zombie. All these zombie slots have been filled up (thanks guys!). There are 1000 participant (200 teams) spaces. We do not accept teams which have less than 5 members, so please start forming your teams now.

This event is a new type of event for Malaysia. Introducing the storyline based event, where what happens in the event ultimately affects the storyline and continuity of this event. The ultimate winners of this Zombie Run will be able to choose the outcome of the storyline and see where that leads the next Zombie Run to. Read the story to know why Bukit Utama has been overrun by zombies!

You will be placed in a jungle like setting (both zombies and participants) that stretches almost 45 hectares with broken walls, abandoned huts, destroyed cars and a lot more. This is NOT a normal marathon.

There is no shooting, no guns and no violence between participants and zombies. Participant registration has not been opened yet."

Date: 2 Feb 2013
Venue: Canyon Paintball Park Bukit Utama, Petaling Jaya
Duration: 7am - 7pm
Team: 5 members / team
Registration fees: RM75 or RM375/team
Medal: Finisher medal
Details here

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