Thursday, January 17, 2013

Penang Urban Triathlon 2013 - Clinic

Announcement from the organizer:

Pleased to inform all participants of Penang Urban Triathlon that triathlon coach Steve Lumley, will be coming to Penang for a triathlon clinic on Saturday, 19th January as well as to participate in the race. The clinic will be from 1 to 4pm at Chinese Swimming Club Hall.

The clinic will consist of theory and practical involving all 3 activities so please bring all your tri gear, including bike with you! Steve will help correct your swim strokes, adjust your bike fit and give you advice on your running technique.

There is a minimal fee of RM10 with RM6 for CSC pool entry to attend and it is only limited to the first 15 people to sign up (first come, first serve basis). Please send an email to me at with the subject title "Penang Urban Triathlon Clinic". Upon confirming your spot, you will need to make payment to my bank account. Thanks!

For more info on Steve Lumley, do check out his official website:

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