Saturday, March 30, 2013

SCKLM 2013 - Last Dash to Run

Last Dash to Run!
Standard Chartered contest to win 100 registration slots to run in the
Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2013

Kuala Lumpur, 31 March 2013 – Celebrating its 5th year, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Bhd, the title sponsor of Standard Chartered KL Marathon (SCKLM) held a “Last Dash to Run” contest yesterday for the public to win 100 registration slots in the upcoming SCKLM 2013.

Participants clad in blue and green gathered early for the flag-off at Jalan P.Ramlee. The first 100 runners to arrive at the finish line at the Standard Chartered KL Park won a coveted spot to participate in SCKLM2013.

The contest was organised to allow more runners’ to participate in the Marathon on 30 June 2013, through Standard Chartered’s own allocation of registration slots. Due to overwhelming response, SCKLM public registration closed at 33,000 within six (6) weeks, taking many by surprise and leaving ardent runners without a slot to run in the Marathon.

Standard Chartered said, “This is just one way in which we can help more runners participate in the Marathon.”

The event was joined by EPL Legends, Dietmar Hamann and Dennis Wise, who don their running shoes to encourage the runners. The Legends were in town to launch the Standard Chartered EPL 2013, a local football tournament between EPL Legends and Malaysian All-Stars team, coming up in April.

 Dash for less than 200m

Former ELP Legends, Dietmar Hamann and Dennis Wise
 Ready to go

 Finishing line at the Standard Chartered park
 Photo with former ELP legend
 Waving at the air for a photographing from the top of KLCC
EPL Legends, Dietmar Hamann and Dennis Wise signing at the “Run for a Reason” mural wall pledge by participants to support the participants
Runner has chance to take an instant photo and place it on the board
 Standard Chartered crews
Aggressive jumping post

More Photos here

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