Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bidor Half Marathon 2013 - Top 15 Results

Date: 28 Apr 2013

The Bidor Half Marathon has always been a favorite event among the runners from all over the country. In this year's event we saw many of familiar faces from KL and the northern regions (and many international participants too - strong runners from Kenya, Thai and Japan).  Overall, it attracted about 1,600 runners despite the clash with the World Kidney Day run in Putrajaya.

And some of the reasons why it has been a favorite: well organized, runners safety, countryside - running very close to nature, lots of food after the run and most of all - the race incorporates a good challenging distance with hills at the end to break you.  The only set back is that the race starts at 7.00 am. Although this will well accommodate those who were driving in on event day but it also guarantee that runners were tortured by the hot weather besides the hill challenge at the second half of the race.

Highly recommended event and best if you go with your fellow runner buddies or family to enjoy the local food and excursions around the region.

More photos here
Check your result here

 Runners from Teluk Intan
 After the race
 10km girls junior
 10km boys junior
 10km women veteran
 10km women open
 10km men senior
 10km men junior
 10km men open
 21km women open
 21km men senior veteran
 21km men junior veteran
 21km men open

 Awesome trophy
heavy duty medal

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