Sunday, May 19, 2013

Milo Breakfast Run 2013 - Top 30 Results

Date: 19 May 2013
Distance: 7km

7590 runners joined the inaugural Milo Breakfast Run which held at UPM Serdang. The run offered 2 distances 3km and 7km.  It was a very well organized event, nice running route (slightly hilly), good road safety preparations and plenty of refreshment (lots of Milo trucks) and there are 2 waterstations for 7km runners!

And as the theme of the event is breakfast day, there were actually breakfast tables, and runners were given vouchers to redeem their choice of breakfast. A great outing day for most of us.

More photos here
Check your result here

 Crazy runners, some of them just finished the KL Towerthon at 5am at the same day
 Father and daughter, mother and daughter

 All top 3 winners

Milo trophy


  1. Congratulations to both of you.

    1. when can we print online certificate.
