Wednesday, May 22, 2013

MUDS Series 2 UM 2013 - Top 5 Results

Perfect weather for the perfect race - the MUDS 2 @ Universiti Malaya (UM) saw close to 350 participants enjoying the run in the Rimba Ilmu and braving the hills of the "Bukit Cinta" within the UM campus. This race saw quite a few families participating together, from the Baynes family (Australians), to the sisters Hannah and Liyana Kamaruzaman and Mixed team of the "Three Mouseketeers" - with brother and sister Arif and Amanda Bani taking part with their friend Nur Lathefa Sofea.

In the Men's University race, Lim Shimri (UPNM) was given quite the fight by Jason Loh (Multimedia University) towards the end of the second run leg with a close fight at the finish line. Whereas in the Women's University race, UPNM favorite Teh Yong Le felt the weight on her shoulders as the former champion from her Uni, Chan Jun Shen offered 3 barrels of KFC as motivation for her to win the event. Irene Chong (UM) however took a strong lead from the start and maintained towards the end, finishing almost 5 minutes ahead of Teh Yong Le (UPNM).
 IPT women
IPT men

In the Men's Open race, Rikigoro Shinozuka held a strong lead from the start and came in first place with a fast time of 48 minutes, 58 seconds. Tam Mei Teng came in first in the Women's Open category, finishing 1 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds. While the Kamaruzaman sisters, Liyana and Hannah came in 2nd and 3rd respectively, just 4 seconds apart. The competition between both sisters will most definitely continue on to the final leg in UPM on 1st June.

 Women open
Men open

Team UM Running Club (Muhamad Hifzhudin Noor Aziz, Fariz Atraz Fauzi and Azwan Bunjing) made the Director of the Sports Centre UM, Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Salleh Aman proud by coming in first in 46 minutes, 26 seconds in the Men's Relay race. Team UPNM 4 (Nurul Athirah Mahadi, Afif Ariffin, Mohd IkramHakim Mohd Fisol) bagged the top spot for the Mixed Relay Race in 52 minutes, 40 seconds).

Details here

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