Monday, December 2, 2013

MPIB Run 2014 - Counting Down to Race Day

Launch of Project “Good Deed Shoes 2014”

Kuala Lumpur, 28 November 2013 - “Please do not throw your still good sports shoes away; do a good deed for the Orang Asli Community.”

That’s the appeal message from the Organizer of Multi-Purpose Insurans Run 2014 when they launch project “Good Deed Shoes 2014” in conjunction with the “30-days Count Down” to Race Day Cocktail event at the Royal Lake Club on Friday, 6th December 2013

Multi-Purpose Insurans Bhd, the Event Owner and Organizer of MPIB Run 2014 would be collecting clean, wearable, pre-loved sports shoes to be donated to the Orang Asli/ Indigenous community of Malaysia. For a start, 2 such communities were identified and they are from Sungai Larah, Ulu Yam and Bukit Tunggul, Dengil, Selangor.

This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Project came about from regular runners at the My First Run Clinics who shared that they replace their running shoes after clocking 800 to 1,000 km to avoid injuries and most of these shoes are still in good condition. Instead of throwing them, they rather do a good deed by donating them to the Orang Asli community who mostly go bare footed in their daily chores.

Runners are encouraged to drop their pre-loved running shoes or any sports shoes in clean and still good condition at the My First Run Clinic on 21st December 2013 at the Padang Merbuk car park and when they collect their Race Entry Pack from 27th to 29th December 2013 at the OCM Training Hall, OCM Indoor Sports Centre, Wisma OCM, Jalan Hang Jebat.

Another collection opportunity will be on Race Day on 5th January 2014 i.e. before the Race begins. MPIB Run Event Leader Jayne Liew said “we look forward to Runners joining hands to gather as many pairs of pre-loved shoes for the Orang Asli community so that we can reach out to more than the 2 Communities dentified at the moment.”

Back for the 3rd year, MPIB Run, a community run event reached the target 5,000 registrants on 29th October 2013, 32 days before the published closing date of 30th November 2013. MPIB Run is based on the theme “Healthy Lifestyle–Work Life Balance” is for all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels. The Organizing Committee is happy to note that there is an increase in registrants for the competitive categories as compared to the MPIB 2013 Run which reflected an encouraging sign that there is a growing community of runners who have taken up running seriously as part of their keep fit routine.

In preparation for the Run, MPIB has anchored 12 scheduled “My First Run Clinics”, especially for first-time runners. The run clinics cover all adequate information for novice runners and it is held at the Padang Merbuk Car Park, at 7.30am on every Saturday until 21st Dec 2013.

This 3rd run will again be held at the Padang Merbuk with 8 competitive categories i.e. 4 categories each for the 12KM and 8KM and 2 Fun Run categories of 5KM. A 3 KM walk is being planned for the Runners’ family members who wish to join in.

MPIB Run is again made possible by main sponsors; Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad and New Balance as well as co-sponsors; BP Healthcare Group, Gleneagles Hospital, Hwang Investment Management, KT Tape, Leong Adjustment Sdn. Bhd., Magnum, Mamee, Massimo, Nestle Fitnesse, Nestle Milo, Nestle Ice-cream, Penyelarasan Angkasa Sdn. Bhd., Pilatique, Revive Isotonic, Safeguards, Salonpas, Simply Juice, and TAGs. Details here

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