Tuesday, January 21, 2014

OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2014 - Official Results

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 January 2014 – Minister of Youth and Sports YB Encik Khairy Jamaluddin applauded the tremendous response to OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2014, which attracted over 6,000 participants in its third edition. He had earlier cycled with more than 3,000 riders in The Challenge (48km) while the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, YBhg. Datuk Seri Haji Ahmad Phesal bin Haji Talib, also flagged off the ride.

When asked what he thought of the third edition of Malaysia’s largest mass participation cycling event on closed public roads, he said, “It is a fantastic experience for all cyclists because Kuala Lumpur offers a unique blend of lush scenery, cultural heritage, and modern cityscapes. I wish to applaud Spectrum Worldwide, OCBC Bank, and Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) for making this event a success.”

He then called for greater support to enhance the sport as he hopes to instil a healthier culture amongst Malaysians. “The Mayor did an amazing job because it is not easy to close off the city. With his continued support, I am hoping that the organisers are able to extend the route by an additional five kilometres that would allow the capacity to increase by another 1,000 cyclists or so. If more Malaysians took up cycling, it will definitely help shape a fitter Malaysia,” he added.

Day three of OCBC Cycle Malaysia ended with The Challenge (48km), The Community Ride (24km), The Foldies Community Ride (24km) and The Corporate Charity Challenge (48km).

Fun for the entire family

OCBC Cycle Malaysia attracts cyclists of all kinds and a major group often involves families who sign up their children for The Junior Challenge (30 minutes), The Kids Ride (5.5km) and The Tricycle Ride (100m) as well as participating in The Challenge (48km) and The Community Ride (24km) themselves.

Spectrum Worldwide’s Managing Director, Chris Robb, was elated by the huge turnout upon the event’s return to Dataran Merdeka. “We were always delighted to be able to return to Dataran having held the event here during our inaugural edition. The venue carries such cultural and historical significance, while the lush field creates a fantastic atmosphere for picnics – but with bicycles!”

Nicky Choy, a mother who rode with her three children and six nephews and nieces said, “OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2014 provides the perfect opportunity to create crucial bonding time between family members through a healthy and fun sporting event. This is our second time participating, and you will be seeing us again next year!”

Che Suza, who participated in The Challenge (48km) along with his wife, Mazlina Mokhtar, and his two beautiful children said, “We encourage our children to participate in cycling sport and they have been trained in mountain biking since young. Participating in OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2014 has been a great experience for our family and we are looking forward to participate again next year!”
Bikes of all shapes and sizes turn up

While the event saw many variations of road bikes, mountain bikes, and folding bikes, there were some unique designs that caught the eye such as this front-wheel recumbent bicycle, parent-child tandem bicycle, and a flaming Chopper-inspired bicycle! These eye-catching designs simply add to the spectacle of a cycling extravaganza for both riders and camera-happy spectators!
Giving back to the community
Whilst the main objectives of the event are to encourage healthy living and to have fun, a major component of OCBC Cycle Malaysia is to create opportunities to give a little back to communities. The Corporate Charity Challenge, which saw 16 teams comprised of 64 riders raise RM72,000 for the event’s official charities: The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM), The Budimas Charitable Foundation, and the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM).

After the rides, families and spectators were welcomed to visit Sport and Lifestyle Expo located at Dataran Underground, where various bicycle merchandises could be purchased at specially discounted prices.

OCBC Cycle Malaysia, which is Malaysia’s largest mass participant cycling event on closed public roads, ran from 17 to 19 January 2014 at Dataran Merdeka. For more information, kindly visit www.ocbc.cyclemalaysia.com.my

 Minister of Youth, Khairy joined in 48km challenge 2nd wave

 Foldies community ride - 24km

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