Saturday, March 15, 2014

Perlis International Duathlon 2014

Astana Wanita Malaysia (AWM) and few others NGOs together with Perlis States Goverment, and other Malaysia Government's Agencies are planning to organize an international duathlon sport event in Perlis, a states located in north western of Malaysia. The said event is propose to be held in mid of September 2014.

The event will consists of a running leg, followed by cycle and then another running leg which will covers the distance of 4km >> 50km >> 6km respectively. 

The first leg will bring participant into a combination of trail (off road) and tarmac road on a generally flat surface with some mild slopes. 

The 2nd leg continue with mountain biking on trail and tarmac road with combination of flat and hilly conditions. The participants will experience cycling through a cave (Gua Kelam) and the highlight of the event is the route will also covers the neighboring land, Thailand and Timah Tasoh Dam, a restricted high security area. 

The last leg will bring participant into a combination of trail (off road) and tarmac road again.
Next, since this gonna be the first International Duathlon held in Perlis, in order to make the event become reality, we need to have some basic indication of numbers of participant who willing to participate in the said event. Thus, if you are interested,, we would appreciate if you could register your interest by giving us your basic details and email contact so that we can gather some numbers and of course to forward you any latest information about this event.

Registration here
Details here


  1. i like running and cycling but i don' have passport how i can make it to join this event if no passport.pls help

    1. You may contact 03 7957 8998 and refer details at
