Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mardi-Maeps Trail Run 2014 - Top 15 Results

Date : 22 Jun 2014
Time : 7:00 am
Location : Mardi-Maeps, Serdang

A bit about the running terrain on this new route. Start with running across the parking lot, then into the tractor path made of gravels and loose dirt. And then a uphill climb into a steep jungle trail which lead to a short wooden bridge crossing a small stream. That is all about the jungle trail there is which is about 2%, but it is quite challenging because the path is steep and lots of obstacle made up of roots and slippery ground.

Once exit from the forest trail, most of the path are made up of  uneven tractor path/track with plenty of surprising steep climbs where most of these paths are made of gravels and dirt, with occasional  loose sand. But it was a pleasant trail.

Then there is this very steep staircase with about 150 steps?...lost count on that one. After that the organizer decide to throw in a special challenge made of customized cut-through downhill path. Another challenge worth mentioning is that we were made to run and duck below 2 horse fences. Almost bump into a couple whom were buzy doing selfies. And the last part of the route were some tarmac road & concrete pavement across the Maeps building (about 5%).

Route were pretty safe, but challenging if you want to run fast. Lucky it is dry season, so the challenges omitted the slippery mud. Plenty of marshals along the route, and ample aid station. Every junction has a direction arrow. GPS distance for 18km is 16.4km.

More photos here

Men Open 18k
 Women Open 18km

 Men Veteran 18km

 Men open 12km

Women open 12km

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