Sunday, August 14, 2016

NBOS Run 2016 - Top 10 Results

Date: 14 Aug 2016

What is NBOS stand for?
National Blue Ocean Strategy

How many total participants?
Around 4000+ runners and cyclists. Mainly are 5km fun runners

What is the distance for running, cycling and walking?
Competitive run - 11km, Fun run - 5km, Fun ride - 16km, Celebrity walk (VIP) - 1km

What is the highlight?
Appearance of Ratu Rock Malaysia - Ella

How many songs did she sing?
2 songs only, One of the song is Standing In The Eyes Of The World, tak cukup...

Any lucky draw?
Yes, open to all, iPhone, motor bike, bicycles etc

More photos here
Check your result here

1 comment:

  1. Tolong upload full result for men open please....thanks
