Friday, March 8, 2019

Powerman Malaysia 2019 - Race Report

The world’s largest duathlon in the Powerman series, Powerman Malaysia 2019 was held on 2-3 March 2019 in Dataran Putrajaya. It has been quite some time since I posted my racing experience but Powerman 2019 was one of most memorable races that I really enjoyed/suffered. The classic category of 10km run, followed by 60km cycle and concluded with a 10 km run was more demanding physically and mentally but there was also short (half distance of the classic) and team relay categories to choose from.

The race flagged-off at 7am sharp for the classic category. The running route consisted of 10km (2 loops of 5km) with gentle elevation. There were total 3 water stations on each loop which was highly welcomed especially during the 2nd run as the weather was getting hotter. The transition area was well organized with clear signage and marshal directing the traffic. Next, the 60km (2 loops of 30km) bike route awaiting after the 1st 10km run. The bike route was very challenging as it combined many sharp turns, U-turns, narrow path and few long climbs. The cycling route became more congested after both classic and short categories were flagged-off. Hopefully, the organizer will consider to change the bike route next year. The 2nd run was the same route as the 1st run but extremely torturous under the scorching sun and also the long stretch of road before reaching the finishing line.

Overall, this is a fantastic event with glimpses of international atmosphere since Powerman Malaysia is one of the Asia Championships races. This year edition was slightly more happening compared to last year with challenging and tricky bike route. Completed the race at 23rd position under my age group of 30-34 with the total timing of 3:46:46 (slightly deteriorated from last year).  Given my current condition, I was quite satisfied with my performance and was very proud of my old bike for the breakthrough. There are still so much to improve and i am slowly getting into better shape. Will continue to put in more effort and hopefully strike better result in the next race.

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