Monday, April 27, 2009

Bidor Half Marathon 2009

What: Bidor Half Marathon 2009
When: 24 April 2009
Distance: 3Km, 10KM and 21KM

RATING : 8/10

The run was good, the whether was cooling.
Not many cars, no smoky air.
Water stations were sufficient.
A lot of food to eat and 'da bao'.
Many sponsers with goodies bag.
Awesome and good quality trophy and medal.
Prize distribution was smooth and fast.
Overall the event was well organised, thumb-up to the organiser.
Wish they will countinue nex year - bravo!
Should use paper cup instead of form cup in water station
to take care of the environment.

Half Marathon gun-off


  1. Good job! Hey, you didn't smell the shitty smell when we run through the plantation men? LOL! Overall, it was a well organised run. I give it a 9 out of 10 if not for the shit smell. :)

  2. I gave rating 8 because the organisor use a lot of form cups in water stations instead of paper cup. Not environmental friendly at all.

  3. thanks for your environmental friendly reminder comment. we will look into it and improve the situation. see you next year in 2010 run.a million tanks
