Monday, May 11, 2009

Bomba Run 2009

What: Bomba Run 2009
When: 10 May 2009
Where: Dataran Merdeka
Distance: 7km and 10km
Time: 10km (7.30am), 7km (7.40am)

It was well organised and gun-off on time, but not many sponsors, so no goodies bag.
Rewards are attractive. Medal is awesome printed with position. Not many event has this.
After racing only Milo to drink, long queue and no water. Later only some staff distributed water.
Limited medals given was good idea to cut down cost and also to push runners to run faster to fight for it. This show that it is not a SS (syok sendiri) event. But should provide 100 medals for men open.
One water station was sufficient but shouldn't provide water in bottle, as some runners only drink a little and throw the whole bottle, wasted.
Not many people visited Bomba booth, runners should give more support.
The officers are very friendly and approachable. Explanation were informative.
Wish next year Bomba will ogranize it again.
T-shirt design not bad, but the printing senget
The printing too big, should print smaller and put on the left top corner

I got an additional special medal

Key chain from the bomba booth

Beautiful printed certificate

My neighbour with bomba rescue boat

Friendly officer

Bomba rescue team

In action with rescue bike

The only chance to ride on the bike

May sign up immediately - Ipoh Internation Run 2009
Some runners said want to boycot but politic and
sport should be separated
Runners from UPM - nice outfit

Long queue waiting for Milo

At last - can rest

Milo, milo ..... only milo

Dangerous zone - Men open 73th placing

Very dangerous zone - men open 74th placing (my friend)

Very very dangerous zone - 75th placing

Harakiri zone - men open 76th placing

Women Junior 1st - est. 32min

Women Veteran 7km - est. 32min
Kaki ayam runner, give a .....

flying kiss to the ....

road audience.
Men senior veteran 7km - est. 31min

Iwata San - est. 39min (Men Veteran 10km)

Morocan - est. 36min (Men open 10km)

Both are racing for better prize

1st & 2nd - est. 33min (10km)

7km runners

If there is, she would get 'Best Dressing' prize


10km runners


VVIP met the runners

Serious faces.... relax la


Pittyful the person inside - heavy and stuffy

This was where it started
Getting ready

This was where it end

10km gun-off

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