Saturday, June 26, 2010

KL Rat Race 2010

About the Kuala Lumpur Rat Race
The Edge™ – Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Rat Race® is an annual event for charity which began in 2000. Modelled after the Carey Wall Street Rat Race, the Kuala Lumpur Rat Race® is a platform for Corporate Malaysia to come together to help the needy in a novel way. The Race is the one day in the year that top executives and office workers forget about the rat race they run in daily, and join a rat race of a different kind. It also gives these workers a good excuse to leave the office early after a hard day’s work.
Date: 3 Aug 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Bursa Malaysia
Category: CEO, Open category, Mixed category, Senior category
Distance: 4.5km
Contributions:Companies can pledge their contributions as follows:
-RM15,000 for 1 team
-RM27,000 for 2 teams
-RM37,000 for 3 teams
-RM45,000 for 4 teams
-RM50,000 for 5 teams

Closing date: 16 Jul 2010
Contact: 03-7721 8000 or email
Details and form here

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