Thursday, June 24, 2010

SC KL Marathon Bib Collection

Arrived at Titiwangsa Stadium at around 1.15pm, queue up for 1 hr just to collect a Full Marathon bib. Same as last year, different distance has different queue, after queuing for 10km, need to queue again to collect FM or HM. So if you are collecting for different distance, better call a few friends to collect together to avoid frustration. The queue shorter after lunch time. FM and HM runner received a free Power Bar.

Hope to get good quality NB vest faded
Design also 'ma ma'
This is the goodies, that's all, very kedekut.
Not sure whether HM get towel or not, but 10km tarak towel
Long queue for 10km despite 9 counters open
Long queue for HM too.
FM's queue is shorter but only 2 counters open
More and more ppl queuing up
No VIP queue for Pacesetters chairman?
Dont want to queue? then join kid dash or fun run,
only hand full ppl queuing
More and more ppl squeeze into the stadium
After queuing for 1 hr to collect 10km, will you queue again
for another hr to collect your HM or FM? No way.
Then, what happen? Many ppl jump queue.
After collecting 10km, just walk direct to the next counter, bravo
volunteers are friendly ...
and very busy
Promotion and sale
Power bar t-shirt
Malaysia Triathlon Series 2010
As usual NB shoe 30% discount - not attractive


  1. FM and HM runner received a free Power Bar? I didn't get it. >.<

  2. You may redeem the power bar from the power bar counter outside the stadium using your bib no.

  3. ya, agree with you. vest quality lousy,the logo at the left nampak macam baru lekat , wash few times will come off ad , and cutting so big. fyi, the half marathon also 'tarak' towel only the full.

  4. You still can redeem your power bar at Titiwangsa stadium today & tommorrow, just bring your bib

  5. so kedekut punya scklm...some more registration fees so much...damp it!
