Friday, January 7, 2011

PBIM in Xiamen International Marathon

Written by Secretary
Thursday, 06 January 2011 10:42

The Penang Bridge International Marathon Committee had recently paid an official visit to Xiamen, China to attend the C&D Xiamen International Marathon 2011 from 1st till 2nd January 2011, which had a total participation of 64,000 runners in the grand marathon event this year. For the third consecutive year now, Penang State Tourism Development & Culture EXCO and Chairman of the Penang Bridge International Marathon, YB Danny Law Heng Kiang, was invited to the C&D Xiamen International Marathon for the 3rd International Forum for Mayors of Marathon Host Cities and in keeping a close relationship between Penang and Xiamen as sister cities.

The Penang Bridge International Marathon Committee is happy to announce the win of Michele Tan Bee Kiang in second place of the Half Marathon category at the official time of 1 hour 28 minutes.

Read more here

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