Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Rolex Award for Enterprise 2012

The Rolex Awards recognise pioneers whose work contributes to the betterment of mankind. In 2012, Rolex will give generous support to five Laureates for their projects that improve life on our planet.

Established in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Oyster chronometer, the world’s first-ever waterproof watch, the Rolex Awards have in the past three decades provided funding and recognition to 115 outstanding individuals whose projects have brought major benefits to their communities and beyond.

The next Rolex Awards for Enterprise will be presented in 2012 to five new Laureates for their projects that demonstrate innovative thought and benefit the world we live in. For their new ventures or completion of ongoing projects, each Laureate receives US$100,000, a Rolex chronometer, and the benefits of international publicity.

The Rolex Awards are open to any individual of any age, with a concrete working project. Proposals may be submitted in almost any area of activity, including science and health; applied technology; exploration and discovery; the environment; and cultural heritage.

To find out more how to apply read here

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