MCA Youth Kedah is proudly to organise 2 prestigous Mountain Bike (MTB) Cycling and Running events to run concurrently at the Lembah Bujang offroad trail, Merbok, Kedah. The objective of Lembah Bujang Jamboree 2009 is to encourage more people to join sport activities as a medium in creating health concious societies today. These events are open to everyone and all walk of life. We are welcoming all international rider and runner to join us for the event. The purpose is to improve the bilateral tie among nations. We will make these events as anually event in the northern region.
Date: 26 Sep 2009
Where: Merbok, Kedah
Start-Balai Polis Merbok
Finish-Merbok Muzium Batu Pahat
Time: 7:45 AM - Flag Off Time (Mountain Bike & Running)
Trail Types & Distance
1. 40km for Mountain Bike
2. 10km for Running
Fees: RM 30.00 (cycling & running)
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