Welcome to my website
Running has become my passion since 2006. As a wife and mother of 3, finding the time to train has been especially challenging, between working part time and the day to day stuff. I'm very excited to be taking these 52 beginnings and even more excited to help these children!
My motivation to participate with Team 25:40 this year
I'm setting out to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks starting Jan 24, 2010! I'm running these marathons on behalf of 25:40, to help raise funds and awareness for the children they support. 52 beginnings is about giving a new beginning for these kids, who need so much. It's about giving them hope. I plan to run each race for a different child and make a different beginning for 52 children that have lost so much. I'm going to struggle to accomplish my goal, and yet these children struggle to just survive day to day. Please help me in this quest! Your donation makes a world of a difference to these children and their future. You can follow my journey through my blog.
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