What : Ipoh International Half Marathon 2009
When : 5th July 2009
Where : Dataran Bandaray Ipoh
Time : 7:15am (21km)
Delay half an hour due to heavy rain
Distance : 21km, 10km, 7km & 5km
We woke-up at 5am and it started raining at 5:15am. By the time we got ready and went down to lobby, it was raining cats & dogs with thunder storm and lightning. Waiting with other runners at the lobby for the rain to slow down.
It was too late, by the time we managed to park our car (also long story in order to get a parking), asking around what was going on, the 21km gun-off at 7:15am. Apparently, according to one of the runner waiting there, the organiser has postponed the gun-off time from 6:45am to 7:15am, due to heavy rain and runners' safety.
By the time, we ran to Dewan Belia & sukan to get the starting black band, got ready the shoes, it was already 7:30am, 15 minutes late!!!
It was unfair for those runners who came in earlier, where they have to soak under the heavy rain and no place to hide. Also the runners complaint that the water station gave tap water. It was with chlorine taste and yellowish.
Heard that some runners complaint the KM signage was not clear. But we had a chance on the night before the race to cruise the 21km route by following the signage. It was clear and not confusing. Maybe it was raining and crowded during the race day that caused some runners omitted the signage.
For 5km runners, they have to get the black band in the Stadium Azlan Shah and berkumpul there. The organiser asked the kids walk from the stadium, make a big circle to the starting line but did not wait for them and gun-off. Alamak, stupid la.
Some kids run with umbrella and some holding a big colorful bag. Boleh run macam tu ke?
5km runners came back very fast, especially the boys, so many of them. They have to line-up a mile long from the finishing line just to get the tag number. Only 150 medals to distribute.
After that they have to line-up again to get their medal and certificate from officer. It was a big havoc and mess, really really a big mess. As they are so many of them and pushing each other, the strong human pushing wave (this is the only word that I could think off) at least happened 10 times. The tent was shivering, it almost collapse. I was stucked and squeezed inside the crowd, the officer shouted 'DON'T PUSH, JANGAN TOLAK', but could not control the crowd. It was a horrified & scary experience.
The organiser should distribute the medal and certificate to the kids upon arriving and shouldn't make them queue again. Can't imagine what will happen if the tent collapse. Hope next year they will learn from the lesson and proper organise.
As usual, the big cash prizes won by the foreigner. It was ok for them to join but their joining fees should be higher. Instead of US8 should be US30.
I also complaint about the female winner cash prizes is much lower than the male winner even though they ran the same distance (cash prizes details: http://mbi2.mbi.gov.my/iir2009/cashprizes.html).
The officer said "SAYA TIDAK TAHU", then siapa tahu! Hope next year they will not discriminate female runner and award the same amount as male runner.
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