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New Year Bash : One Mile Dash
Date: 31 Dec 2009
Venue: Jalan Doraisamy
Time: 8pm
Would like to thank FTAAA & Twenty First Century for organising this event on new year eve to made the occasion more meaningful and memorable. Even though not many participants but the events was sucessful. Hopefully next year (ops!! this year la), more runners will turn-up.
The goodies, T-shirt & medal has worth more than the registration fees. Of course, the top 3 winners received additional Crocs shoe voucher.
The event took place very smoothly & with good emphasis on safety with the help of polices & Marshall's guidance. The prize presentation was very efficient. Winners need not wait till the end of the event to get their prizes.
Every runners could write their new resolution on the board. TFC will put it up in their new office.
After the run, we headed to 1U for 2010 New Year Countdown.
If you are one of the Hong Kong Legendary Music Band Beyond's fans, then you will be happy to find the opportunity to watch them ROCK again & it was FREE. They presented new songs & old songs. The old songs would be the most favourable by all the fans, like 大地,母亲,光辉岁月,and of course in the grand finale, their legendary number was not missed out - 海阔天空.
The concert & firework end at 1am. By the time we reached home & got ready to sleep, it was already 3am. We had to wake-up at 5am to get ready for the PM Network run.
Only 2 jam untuk tidur, alamak!! That is if you are an insomniac....
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