星洲日報文教部將於來臨的17/1/2010(日)舉行「回收舊物做慈善」。 Please note that we will be conducting a "Recyle" Campaign this coming Sunday.
我們將為為吉隆坡蒙恩社區服務組織(Bless Service Community) 的蒙恩店(Bless Shop)徵收舊物。 We will be collecting used goods that are in good condition for BLESS, a community project under SIB KL for them to sell at their 2nd hand goods store.
舊物所賣得的錢將在行善用途,蒙恩社區服務組織的義工將定期往外勞村及難民營送食物給孩子們、到犯罪黑區成立社區中心、替外勞的孩子補習、輔導及學手藝、每天送飯及為流浪漢、貧老及原住民免費醫藥檢查。 All proceeds obtained from this exercise would be utilized to aid Myanmar refugees.
活動詳情: Particulars of the event for this coming Sunday as follows:
「回收舊物做慈善」 Donating Used Items for Charity.
Date : 2010.1.17
Time: 10am - 5pm
Venue:Sin Chew Daily HQ (Rothman Roundabout, PJ)
Enquries, pls contact: (03)79658593/8522
請將家裡完好無損的舊衣服、手袋、飾物、絲巾、領帶、耳環、小禮品、手提電腦、輕便器具、家居用品(例如茶杯、碗碟)等,送到當天的回收櫃檯即可。 Please bring us your used clothing, handbags, accessories, scarves, ties, gifts, laptop or small size furniture that are in good condition.
舊物將於蒙恩店出售,所得將捐助緬甸難民等慈善用途。 All items collected would be donated to Bless Community Service for sale at their 2nd-hand goods store, all proceeds obtained would be used to provide aid for Myanmar refugees.
註:由於星洲日報總社場地有限及運輸問題,所以謝絕大型傢俱及電器。 p/s: Big size furniture and eletronic appliances are not accepted
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